Using color imagery is a great way to aid healing. Color choices are very individual. When someone chooses a color that is healing for them, the color becomes a symbol and might be able to express something even more powerfully than words. According to, “Our method is designed around the fact that every Participant experiences a different word, emotion, or energy in each color based on their own unique perception.”

Color imagery is often used in hypnosis. There are different ways that it is used. Here are three of them.

Color for a Calming Effect

Color preferences are very specific to the individual. So when used for a calming effect, the hypnotists firsts finds out what color the client finds calming. Then self-hypnosis is taught and the client is given the suggestion, “Whenever I think of (their color) I feel calm, relaxed, and in control.” The client says this to him/herself 10 times right before going to sleep. This method tends to reduce anxiety and negative thinking.

Color as an Anchor

Color can be used to reinforce suggestions given in a hypnosis session. I.e., suggestions are given for a client to lose weight. Then they are given the post-hypnotic suggestion that every time they see the color red, they will remember how important it is for them to reach their weight loss goal (or to lose two pounds a week, or to drink eight glasses of water a day, etc.). Then in daily life, whenever they see the color red they remember the suggestion. They might be reminded many times a day, as in seeing a stop sign, traffic light, red dress, red nail polish, tomatoes, and other red items.

Color To Sharpen Your Focus and Imagination

When using hypnotic imagery, the more specific the details are, the easier it is for the client to picture or imagine it. Color is one way to make a scene even more focused. It would be easier to imagine a snow white garbage can than just a garbage can. This can be very helpful when working with clients who have trouble visualizing, and can add even more clarity with clients who visualize easily.

Try This Color Exploration

Here’s an experiment you can try. Go to a paint store and explore looking at all the color chips. Narrow the large number of choices to a few colors that leave you feeling calm and relaxed. Take a few of those chips home, and look at them when you start to get stressed or anxious. Use the colors to remind yourself of being in a calm state.

To try a session using color imagery, click here.